Chabad offers a vibrant and nurturing community where hundreds of students choose to engage in Jewish life! A welcoming and vibrant community, Chabad is a wonderful way for students to experience Judaism while in college.

Chabad also offers programs and resources for graduate students as part of the JGrads initiative. Students at local colleges, including UMSL, SLU, Webster U., and St. Louis Community College, are supported by The Network.

We look forward to welcoming you at the Chabad House, at any of our programs on campus, or just to meet over coffee.
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Saint Louis, MO 63105
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Weekly Torah Portion
Upcoming Holiday
Oct. 11 - Oct. 12
Daily Thought
Yom Kippur is described in many ways. One very poignant description is that it is “once in a year.” You see, the human soul is also described in many ways, with five different names, each describing a deeper level of her being. The fifth, deepest level is called yechidah, which means “one and unique.” Yechidah is the soul as she is fused and one with her Creator, so that the two are an inseparable whole. Yom Kippur is the day that the essential bond of yechidah shines within the time and space in our world. Meaning that once in a year, the One Above unites with the essential oneness of the soul here below within each one of us. All else falls away. Hitvaadiyot 5747, Vol. 1, pg. 113. Hitvaadiyot 5750, Vol. 1, pg. 101.