Chabad is a leader in "Building Jewish Identity on Campus".
We invite you to partner with us.
The goal of Chabad on Campus: Rohr Center for Jewish Life is to offer relevant, accessible, and meaningful Jewish experiences to college students that will strengthen their sense of Jewish identity and community. We are one address where every Jewish student can turn to for everything from a homemade bowl of chicken soup Friday night to a Torah class or a philosophical discussion during the week. Our programs include weekly Shabbat dinners, Jewish learning opportunities, experiential education, Taglit-birthright israel trips, and much more… just ask any student or recent alum!
Our efforts come with large financial responsibilities and it is with your partnership that we are able to keep our programs going and growing. Like all religious groups on campus, we are not funded by Washington U. so your partnership is critical. Please join the family of supporters of Chabad today!
A gift of $1800 will sponsor one home-cooked Shabbat dinner for students. A gift of $180 will help support a communal Shabbat lunch. Even a gift of $54 or less will make a real difference.
You can make a gift online or send a check:
- To make an online gift, please scroll to the bottom of this page.
- To send a check: Please make your check out to “Chabad at Washington University,” and send it to
Chabad at Washington University
7018 Forsyth Blvd
University City, MO 63105.
A medieval Jewish sage taught that it is a mitzvah to publicize those that do good deeds, in order to encourage others to follow suit. We’d love to publicize the names of our supporters. If you prefer to remain anonymous, just let us know.
Remember, your gift is fully tax-deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law.