Full registration and trip date request will open up at 8AM central time on January 10, 2023. 

  • WashU trip date (with BICEP enhancements): May 14th departing from NYC. (Ideal for first years, sophomores and juniors who need to be back in the US for internships with late May/early June start dates)
  • WashU Seniors May 22 departing from NYC (Ideal for seniors. Please note, due to the holiday of Shavuot, this trip will be longer than 10 days.)
  • For all other departures, apply to a general mayanot trip HERE 

*Because of the Jewish holiday of Shavuot, trips that leave or will be in Israel between May 24 and May 29 are extremely limited.

For more information, email Eden Yair at [email protected].